Monday, February 14, 2011


We live in a white picket fence kind of town in Virginia.  There are about a hundred kids for every grown up, so I rarely feel awkward with all my little people in tow.  However, this weekend...
  1. I took the boys to the fabric store.  My blinds are broken and I need white tulle to repair them.  The boys were totally out of control - hiding in bolts of fabric, jumping out at Rand to make him laugh, shooting imaginary guns at the quilting class, ..., and I was shopping in the wedding fabric section.  I felt like everyone was staring at me thinking, "What poor fool is marrying that woman with the four hyper-active boys."
  2. We went to a few open houses yesterday.  I thought the last house looked a little sad because there were no kids out playing, and the yards were very small.  We walked in and as I was corralling children and asking them to stop doing gymnastics in the empty bedrooms, I noticed the agent looking at me quizzically.  I thought, "Really, they didn't hurt anything - calm down."  Then he said, "You know this is a 55 and up community?"  Errr...


  1. David and I were experts hiding among the bolts of cloth. As a young boy I thought my life would end in a fabric store. Mom would stay in them FOREVER! So on behalf of the boys I want to go on the record as saying, God wired boys to be the hero and it is very difficult to feel like the hero in a fabric store. - Uncle Philip


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