Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Family campout...

We went to a state park in Arkansas with my family for a week.  We did a lot of kayaking, rough housing, bike riding, eating, Dominion/Shadows over Camelot/Puerto Rico-playing, swimming and just sitting around outside and talking.  My parents have very generously organized and funded these annual get-togethers for years now.  I think we were able to spend more time together on this trip than any other year.  I love watching my kids develop relationships with my family.  I love being an aunt.  It's so much fun to hang out with kids whose sugar intake, obedience and general degree of spoiled-rottenness is not my responsibility.  I love that, as is inevitable when families spend this much time together, we can rub one another the wrong way and resolve it.  Here are a few pictures...

Graveside service for a moth

Aaron attempting to beat the excess testosterone out of David and Andrew

My brothers and me with our babies

Nothing says, "Cool," like a flashlight strapped to your forehead.

Jacob was Ian's self-appointed caretaker (he broke his leg
and is in a wheelchair for 2 months) for much of the trip.

* Chris was here, just not on the days I took out my camera.

1 comment:

  1. So much fun! Can't believe we never broke out the dominoes for 42! Love you guys.


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