Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Petit jean state park, day 3...
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Petit Jean State Park, Day Two...
Cabin week 2013, day one...
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Passive-aggressive driving
My stint as Chris' full-time driver has come to an end. While chemo will continue to lay him out every two to three weeks for the next nine months, his leg has improved a lot, and I'm just an intermittent chauffeur now. On one of my last full-time days...
Chris: Episode #11 - Changing lanes erratically.
Me: (eye roll)
Chris: Episode #17 - Indecisiveness causing us to miss the light.
Me: (eye roll)
Chris: Episode #29 - Exceeding the speed limit.
Me: (serious voice) Oh my goodness! You're right! I am speeding. Well I can fix that.
Do you have any idea how annoying it is to drive the actual speed limit on the freeway? Chris does.
(58mph on the freeway in very light traffic, cars flying past us)
Me: Oh! I almost passed someone. I need to slow down.
Chris: (laughing). Summer, come on. I have cancer.
Me: All you have to do is apologize for your rude comments and say, "Summer is a better driver than me."
Chris: I'm calling your mom. (Ring, ring). Judy, Summer's being mean.
Me: I'm just trying to be safe, and all he has to do is apologize.
Mom: Summer, you be nice to Chris.
Me: (still driving painfully slow, cars zooming past) Okay, Mom. I sure will. (Click). Wow. This is such a powerful weapon. I can't believe it's taken me 16 years to discover driving the speed limit as offense.
It took 15 minutes for him to capitulate. I'm still kind of dizzy from the power rush.
Monday, July 22, 2013
"My Beloved"
"Storms never last, baby"
"They loved each other, their children and grandchildren with every fiber of their being. They were awesome."
"Loved by your mother and everybody"
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Trayvon Martin...
I'm about to admit one of my most cringe-worthy life memories. When I was in my early 20's, I went out to dinner with some other grad students and two professors, one white and from an Eastern European country and the other black and American. The Eastern European professor asked a question about race and prejudice in America. I immediately jumped in and declared in my vast and pertinent 22-year-old white girl experience, that prejudice in the U.S. is now entirely based on socio-economic status rather than race... Oh, yes I did. The black professor very gently but firmly stated that he didn't agree and related his more relevant opinion. He was so kind about it that it took a few years for me to realize what an ass I had been.
I have four sons. If they were black my concerns and fears for them would be different and much, much scarier. There are things I don't have to worry about because my boys are white. When they learn to drive, my rules for them will be almost entirely about their physical safety while moving at high speeds. I won't have to worry about police perceptions. The stupid things my boys will inevitably do are much less likely to end in their incarceration or death because they are white. No matter what you think of the Zimmerman verdict, the fact of the matter is that if Trayvon Martin had been white, he would be alive. That situation escalated because he was black. And that, my friends, is an American tragedy.
Photo by Ralph Lee/ Dexter Rachel.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Eight years old...
Me: (smirky smile and raised eyebrows at Chris who was holding Jacob)
Chris: (guilty grin, whispers) He's not going to want to do this much longer.
Me: (genuine smile) You're right.
Me: (grab Jacob's hand as we walk into the store and notice his hand is resting very unenthusiastically in mine) Would you rather not hold hands anymore?
Jacob: Yeah. I don't really like that.
Jacob: If somebody's about to throw a ball at me, I do this (funky, booty-shaking moves), and they NEVER throw the ball at me.
Elderly man: I didn't know this was THAT kind of place.
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